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One-point demand: University teachers, cultural activists hold mass procession

University teachers, cultural activists and left-leaning groups held a mass procession today, calling for the resignation of the Sheikh Hasina-led Awami League government.
They held a brief rally there around 3:00pm. Former Jahangirnagar University teacher Prof Anu Muhammad, among others, spoke at the rally.
“We have proposed a five-point outline to form an interim government. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government should resign to this interim government. The government must step down…,” Anu Muhammad said.
“We have to force them to resign. The longer it takes, the more the country will suffer,” he said.
The government is making every effort to hold onto power, but it knows that its rule is nearing its end, he said.
“But it [government] will not be able to stay in power by suppressing and attacking the people,” he said, calling upon people to unite for a democratic transition.
Later, they marched towards Shahbag with slogans supporting their one-point demand — the resignation of the PM and her cabinet.
On the way to Shahbag, more people armed with sticks, iron rods, and batons joined them.
The procession ended at Shahbag, where thousands of protesters had already gathered.
The mass procession was announced on August 2.
